Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!!!

We found a little neighborhood parade in the Arcadia District - it was perfect! Started at 8am so everyone looks a little sleepy (even though we've been up since 5:30am!)

It's starting! It was a great, cloudy day today as well. We had our first dust storm last night which brought in lots of humidity - but clouds as well so that's a nice break!

It was such a cute parade - only about 20 minutes - but lots of dogs, kids, bikes and CANDY!!!

Brynn loved running to get as much candy as she could.

Brooky loved eating it!

More candy!

It ended with the school bus

Trying to get a picture of these two girls is not an easy task. This was the best of my efforts!
The sugar kicked in on our walk back to the car!

She should have been in the parade!

This is what they do when they see the camera...

Happy 4th of July everyone!! We love you!

Back home, they blew some bubbles that they got from the parade.

They're outfits were so cute - thanks Nana and Papa!

Playing hide and go seek in the bushes! The rest of the day we're going to play in the pool, grill and relax (hopefully!)... maybe there will be more pictures to come!