Monday, July 2, 2012


Seriously?! She's too little still... How can she already be standing up in her crib?! What is going on? Time to lower the mattress Daddy. This is Brooklyn in a nutshell - happy one second...

and really pissed off the next. Oh Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Brooklyn, what are we going to do with you?! Every time we think she's getting a little better with the fussiness, sleeping, etc... it feels like we take 5 steps backwards. I'm hoping this is just another stage to get through and we can blame it on teething, getting over her 1st cold, growing, something - and it won't be like this forever because if it is, Daddy and I are going to end up drooling with bibs on ourselves! Ugh - she is definitely teaching us about patience but in the meantime, our bodies are falling apart and we're exhausted! Ok - enough venting. We love her to pieces and she's such a happy baby when she's happy, but when she's not - watch out! Next post she'll probably be walking & we'll be sending her info to the Guinness Book of World Records for the youngest walker. This girl is a firecracker... where did her personality come from???