Auntie Col sent a box full of goodies for the girls and the first thing Brynn pulled out were the princess high heels! She loves them, put them on right away and wanted to go out to water the flowers with them on. Oh brother!

Love this! I have a whole bunch from this morning in the crib. They're all so cute and they were laughing so hard it was contagious. Unfortunately it ended with Brynn screaming and Brooklyn with a fistful of hair, but I'm sure that won't be the last time that happens...

Brooklyn - such a happy baby... until she gets tired and refuses to sleep, then watch out. All of these smiles turn into the saddest little pout face ever. She really knows how to work it!

Brynn loves getting into Mommy's makeup. Good thing I don't have a lot of it, but she knows how to unscrew lids now and is super strong! As you can see, she got into my concealer and knows exactly where it goes - around your eyes! Took me a while to get this off her eyelashes so we could get to Target which was the original plan!

We had a play date last week with Riley. The girls had a blast! Brynn continues to tower over Riley (probably about 5-6 inches taller, weighs 8 more pounds and is a month younger!)

Hanging with the girls...

Brooklyn loves Brynn's bed... it's a morning ritual now, and Brynn...

loves to bury her with all of her "friends". Brooklyn doesn't seem to mind at all, in fact - I think she enjoys it!

Brynn loves her little sister and she wants to do everything Brooklyn does!

She jumps in Brooklyn's whale tub before we have a chance to even take her clothes off. We've learned now, but in the beginning we just had to go with it!

She has a blast and for now we're just letting her be since she hasn't been a fan of the big bathtub lately. At least in here, she has fun, gets clean - and the floor does as well!

Brooklyn's room is finally finished! It looks really cute and thanks again for the blanket Auntie Kim, it matches perfectly!

Glad her room looks so nice even though she barely uses it during the day! Brooklyn is the famous "30 minute napper!" Once in a while she'll surprise us, but we don't count on it. She's doing great at night though - usually only waking up once and last night she slept 12 hours which is amazing! Brynn was still waking up 2-3 times during the night at this age.

Happy Baby pose in yoga! She's ready for class now that she can touch her toes!!