Thursday, October 20th. Mommy and I joined a play group and we were supposed to meet them at the Desert Botanical Gardens for the Great Pumpkin Festival but......... it was SO crowded and TOO hot to keep looking around for them so I just had fun with my Mom! We took a bumpy hayride to the pumpkins and here I am in the hay maze. I was tiring Mommy out because she couldn't catch me!
Here's what a pumpkin patch looks like in 100 degree weather... No smiles :(
We still had fun despite being soaking wet when we left! We cooled off with some nice cold lemonade.
Sunday, October 23rd - "Boo at the Zoo" and it's 92! UGH - hot, hot, hot. Here I am in a heat coma.
I snapped out of it pretty quick and we watch the Eland & Giraffe's eat pumpkins!
BIG lion...
Here's Mommy and I in front of the lion. I really am happy, I'm just hot...
I guess those pumpkins taste good. Maybe I'll eat mine!
Taking a break in the shade...
I LOVED the orangutan!!! He kept looking at me and I kept touching his lips. He made me laugh and I think he wanted me to take him home!
Cheese! Hope the pumpkins don't melt! :)
I'm going to one more pumpkin patch next Sunday and hopefully the weather will be much cooler! We're crossing our fingers...