Off to New Jersey!
At Indianapolis Airport - here comes our plane!
Yay - I got a window seat! I was so good on the plane and basically ate, slept and looked out the window.
Seeing my Auntie Colleen again for the first time. I remembered her and got a big smile on my face!
Sunday December 26th... the day we're celebrating Christmas in NJ! I'm on my way to meet my Grammy & Pop Pop!
I woke up shortly after we arrived and got to see my Grammy & Pop Pop! I was dressed up like Santa Clause!
This is the first time I met my Pop Pop and I love him so much!
We're twins!
While we were busy opening presents inside, there was a BIG Nor'easter going on outside!
Me and Allison
This is my Auntie Colleen. She is Santa's head elf at the North Pole!
This is the first of many, many bags! I must have been really good. :)
Santa and his elf came to visit! (Really it was my Auntie Kristin & Uncle Mike but I went along with it!)
BLIZZARD!!! ... and not the Dairy Queen Ice Cream kind!
So pretty...
but lots to shovel! This is my Grammy's car...
Even though we were busy on vacation, I never missed a meal!
There were so many presents for me to open, I saved a few of mine for the next morning.
New boots!!
Me and my Auntie Kristin!
I sat in the tub like a big girl. Well, I AM a big girl!!
SLEDDING!!! We didn't have a sled so while we were out, my Pop Pop became creative (which he always is) and made me my very own sled! I bet I'm the only girl that gets to go sledding in a bucket!
Grammy & Pop Pop were planning on having some people over to visit tonight and I didn't want to take a nap before. There was just to much to see!
Me and Jess
This is me with my cousins: Emily, Karen & Brian
Me and my Grammy!
Pop Pop!
Who's that cute little girl in the mirror?!
Betsy was helping me sit up on the bed!
I love my Betsy!
Me & my Uncle Jeff & Aunt Sandy
Auntie Kristin!
Me and my Uncle Mike. I like it when he plays the guitar for me!
Look - it's Auntie Mare! Even though she couldn't be with us on Christmas, we had her picture front and center! Miss you Auntie Mare! xoxo
Me and my Mommy!
I'm pooped!
New Year's Eve at Auntie Col's. She opened her presents from Auntie Mare!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May 2011 bring lots of love, happiness and good health to all! and.... a BIG Birthday Cake for my first birthday!!!!