Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 8th - a busy day!

I'm 4 months old today and you know what that means.... another photo shoot!! I also went to the doctor today and had to get more shots. He said I'm looking good - 16 pounds, 6 oz, 25 3/4 long and in the 95% percentile! I'm growing so big. I am also about to get 2 new teeth on the bottom so don't make me mad! Oh, and I get to start eating! This should be great...
4 Months! Good thing there was that huge present behind me...
Ok, rice cereal 101. So far, so good.
Hmmm... not sure what all the fuss is about this stuff. It tastes kind of funny.
Still processing...
Oh no, not that spoon again!
Yuk. I've decided I don't like it one bit...
Where's my milk?! Mommy & Daddy said I have to try again tomorrow. I hope they forget!