Dear Miss Maddy, (“Mad Mad”) When I first held you, I never realized how special of a girl you would be. You made my life for the past 8 years, so much better!! You gave me so much love. I always knew you’d be waiting at the door with your toy after a bad day – and good days too. You are irreplaceable and I will never, ever, EVER forget you. Thank you for being so great, so loyal and so loving. I love you more than anything! I have a feeling you waited until you knew that Mommy was safe with Bryce and happy with Brynn. I will be ok and I’ll take great care of your baby sister and tell her all about you! I’m happy that she got to pet you before you left us and show you how much she loves you too. You are SO special Maddy, we miss you more than anything already. I wish I could have kept you here forever, but I know that’s selfish on my part. You have such a big heart and you gave it all away to everyone else. I know you were getting tired and so now you can rest – we love you Maddy! I will always remember your funny little attitude… your somewhat muffled growl/bark when you wanted something (those who knew her know what I mean), your big moan when you sat down, telling us it’s time to eat starting at 4pm (when it’s really 5pm! … we were on to you!!) “doing the Maddy” (lifting your leg to have your belly rubbed), the way your ears perked up when we asked if you wanted a treat, staring us down all day long to be pet until your hair fell out, and putting your head down on my shoulder to be hugged tight. Like I said, you were and always will be such a special girl. You will live on forever in our hearts, and in everyone else you ever met. I promise you that! I will miss all of your tail wags, kisses & your smiling white face and I’m so glad we were all able to celebrate your Birthday together. I love you girl!