My Auntie Mare Comes to Visit! ... and I love her SO much!
Me & my Auntie Mare - she's the best!
I still love my Grammy too...
Everyone loves to stare at me!
Night night - sweet dreams
Mare got to see what a typical day for me is like... when I wake up I like to lay on my Mom & Dad's bed and watch the morning shows.
Then I hang out with my Mom in my swaddle blanket...
Then I do some swinging
Then it's time for my jungle gym - there's always lots to do at my house!
You can't forget all of my outfit changes. I have so many clothes I need to make sure I spit up a lot so I get to wear them all!
Then I swing again...
It's hard to believe I'm already 2 weeks old!
It's been a busy life so far!
Here I am with my Monkey painting from Auntie Mare. I finally got to meet the famous artist!
I forgot to mention all of my photo shoots. Dad thinks I'll be seeing spots from all the flash cameras, but no worries - I can handle it! I have lots of people that want to see me!
Wheh! I need a few days to catch up on my sleep - I'm exhausted!