Friday, March 28, 2014

Little Stinker...

Scooter and bike time... This girl is so smart. She had just woken up from a nap and didn't want to give her bottle up. We told her she could only go out and ride if she put it in the kitchen, so - not happy about it - she marched into the kitchen and put it on the counter.

She was having fun for a while and then she got an idea. She looks like she's on a mission here!

She ran inside and came out with her big pink purse. I didn't think anything of it at first because she does like to walk around with her purse, but...

she had a different plan!

She freaking put her bottle in that purse and thought she'd get away with something! Little sneak!

She definitely has good problem solving skills for a 2 year old (good for her at least). Just like the other night, she went to bed fine and then 30 minutes later was screaming for Daddy. Bryce went in there and she had taken off her diaper and peed all over her bed and her monkey pillow. It was like she knew that would buy her an extra hour because now we had to wash her bed AND the pillow because her and that monkey pillow are best friends and there's no going to bed without it. She was happy as a clam when she came out to the living room. She's something, what are we going to do with her?!?!...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Caught Admiring Her Hair!!! (& tongue I guess)

She's so goofy!


They have bikes!! We decided to break down and get them now because our neighbors are out all the time with theirs and it's been torture for the girls having to watch from inside. Also it's perfect weather right now so we wanted to be able to enjoy them while we could!

We've been out every day since Sunday!

Brynn is on cloud 9!

Brooky would rather have the car keys...

Out with the neighbors - Brooklyn runs around pushing everyone!

When Dawson gets his "boy" bike, Brooklyn will be taking over this little Princess one!


"Sometimes being a sister is even better than being a Princess!" - these girls are so cute!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Girls Afternoon...

The girls (minus Brooky - she was napping) went out for an afternoon of fun and relaxation. First, we went to see Frozen AND we were the only ones in the theater so I had to break out the camera!!

Then we went to get pedicures and Brynn got her very first manicure. She wasn't sure what to think at first but...

It was SO hard for her to hold back her smile! She loved it.

Then the guy let her be his assistant. She had a blast!

and of course, Brooky needed a manicure as well once we got home! Love these cute little pudgy hands!!

Play Ball!

Bryce and Kim enjoyed a Spring Training Game together on Friday! 

More Fun and CHOCOLATE!!

Snuggling with Auntie Kim getting ready to watch a show before bed!

We did a tour of the Cerreta Candy Factory and it was really neat! (& tasty!) The Cerreta Candy Company is an old family owned business. Founded 40 years ago, by Jim Cerreta, Sr. who learned candy making in his father-in-law’s factory in Ohio. Jim passed the trade to his entire family.

GIANT caramel corn bunny!

There's Mr C!

The girls and I in front of a 300 lb chocolate football

Watching the pretzels get coated in white chocolate

Then these ladies bagged the pretzels and we all got samples 

There were hand painted signs all over with everyone's station

I think the girls should look happier than this holding a 10 pound chocolate bar!!!

Time to make pizza!!

While Brooklyn made pizza, Brynn learned how to wrap candy
She was really into this. Everyone had cleared out and she was still working (& eating) her pizza!

She had to taste everything to see if it was good enough to make the pizza!

Putting on the "cheese"

Cheese!! or chocolate!!
