Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First Day of Spring = SNOW Day in AZ!

A crazy winter storm came through Arizona on Sunday, so Tuesday we headed up the mountain to Sedona which had 9 inches of snow (Flagstaff got over 25 inches!) for a snow day!
So beautiful!
Hard to see but yes, that is a snowman in front of a cactus!
The day before we went we were on a search to find sleds. We had 3 bags packed of winter clothes and it ended up being so warm out - figures.
Brynn patting Brooke's head letting her know that she's getting out of the sled, but everything will be ok. (Brynn wanted nothing to do with sledding! We'll have to break her of that if and when we move back east! Glad we got the sled - at least it served its purpose for a picture)
Brooklyn's first time in the snow!
Brynn telling us her snow story before leaving to go home... Fun was had by all!

A Day At the Races...

After a yummy lunch, it was time for the horses to come out...
Look - there they are!
Hey, where did they go? Come back!
Looks like Brooklyn has had a little too much to drink!
We were only able to watch one race because it started pouring and hailing and they cancelled the rest of the races. We'll be going back though.
but before we left, Brynn and Brooklyn stole a little old man's heart... he just couldn't stop talking about how beautiful they were. He wanted us to bring them over to their table before leaving so his wife could see them and then he handed Bryce two $1 bills for their piggy banks (he wanted Bryce to give them to the girls because he said they should never take money from strangers! So cute! SO - the girls were the big winners that day!!!)
One of my favorite girls!
Brynn loves her little sister...
Here's Brooklyn asking her big sis if they can be friends
MOST of the time we all love each other, but that can flip in a second! Poor Brooklyn, she just goes along with the flow!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our Future Gymnast

We went to open gym at Desert Tumbling last Friday... At first Brynn was a little unsure about the soft mats and trampolines but it only took a few minutes for her to figure it all out and have fun!
Allison taught her how to run on the tramp and then...
She was a pro at doing it by herself! She loved running on the trampoline.
Future gymnast - our perfect 10...
She loved this place! We'll definitely go back soon

Want a Kiss?!

So it didn't take long for Brynn to find Auntie Allison's purse and go to town. First - the lip gloss. Here she is doing her lips & eating the applicator at the same time!
How about those lips?! Of course Auntie Allison has the long lasting all day wear lip gloss! Brynn was looking pretty for hours.
Who needs a brush for your blush?! Just put the whole compact on your face... beautiful in seconds!
Allison has all the fun stuff - now she's on to foundation
Wow... can I wear those?! I LOVE my Auntie Allison!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

...And This is How the Leprechaun Finds His Pot Of Gold!

Sending the Luck of the Irish from Us to YOU!

Brooklyn & Auntie Allison waiting for the pot of gold...
It's a good thing it was a little chilly outside today so the girls could wear their long sleeve shamrock outfits!
Believe it or not, this is the best photo out of about 25! I think Brynn is saying "what's wrong with you?!" - but before this, Brynn was the sneak taking the bows out of her hair and pushing her over. Ahhhh - sister love!
It's much easier once Auntie Allison gets in the picture!
Brooklyn's first corned beef (& mashed potatoes, green beans & Irish soda bread). I think if we gave her a long enough fork, she'd dig right in!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hip Hip Hooray... Brooklyn's 3 Months Today!!!

Our baby girl is 3 months already! It's crazy how fast time flies... She LOVES her bumbo chair!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Little of This, A Little of That

One of Daddy's Princesses (he has 3!) LOL
Brynn and Jack are best buds... she gives him treats all day long and in turn, he lets her sit on him like a chair!
Brooklyn loves to smile! Love her dimples!!
At least one is looking! Picture taking is getting tough these days!

Brynn's 19 Months... Crazy!

Gone are the days of using a sign or putting a sticker on her... I now have to be a little creative with the sticker placement!
... and even that doesn't last too long! Poor Jada - she had that sticker on her back for quite a while!
Brynn is doing great. She loves her little sister and she still is like a little Mother Hen taking care of all of her babies and bears throughout the day. She has her moments, but hey - we all do!
How could a face like that ever get into trouble?! Haha - she's getting SO big!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

So Busy Helping Mom!

This is probably the last post that I'm going to narrate. I've been so busy lately taking care of my little sister so I'm going to pass the narrating part over to my Mom... she has more time than I do! Here are some pictures of just half of the things that I do around the house and when my Daddy is out of town for work, I really have to step up my game and help my Mommy out. This week was one of those busy weeks! I can hold Brooklyn now because I'm a good big sister and I'm very careful that I don't let go of her.
I don't know why she's crying?! I know what I'm doing and have it all under control! Relax!
Mommy puts me in charge of keeping an eye on Brooklyn during dinner. I don't think it was such a good idea for Mom to leave her plate right there...
There she is trying to grab Mommy's dinner!
Ha! We caught her just at the right time! I'm not sure what Mommy would do without me!
I gave Brooklyn a bath all by myself! That was a lot of fun... afterwards, we scrubbed the floor with all of the water that splashed out!
I help Mommy pick out Brooklyn's clothes. I thought she would look fancy on our walk wearing this sweater!
We have birds now and I get to feed them! We counted 9 yesterday... here I am waiving at one while he eats breakfast! Hi BIRDS and thank you Pop Pop!
I have to keep an eye on Jada too because she is trying to play with my birds. She hides behind these rocks but I always know where she is - she can't hide from me!
I am one tired girl at the end of the day. It's a lot of work being me... I even slept til 9am today!