Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

I'm the luckiest girl to be a Mom to these 3 cuties! Each one different in their own way, each one so special to me and each one makes me so proud!!!

Happy Easter!

Here's the annual Bunny picture... Joey was not a fan this year, but he did like what the bunny left for him so hopefully he'll warm up to him next year!
The bunny came! There baskets were hidden - Brynn found hers behind the chair in the front room, Brooklyn's was in the laundry basket and Joey's was under his train table! Sneaky bunny

Joey was in love with his bus :)

Ready for the egg hunt! There were 60 eggs hidden outside and they were all found within 5 minutes!

Brooklyn is the master egg hunter. She spots them a mile away!

Opening the eggs to see what's in there - that's the best part! Joey caught on quick!

The 3 best kids ever!

Later that day we just hung out and had fun outside - Joey thought it was great that Grammy could be a human bridge!

And the highlight of dinner - bunny cake of course! Joey kept trying to sneak in extra bites!

Um... and after dinner Brooklyn was a wild child. Wilder than usual. The next morning we found out why... somehow she got some candy out of her basket that was way up high and she went to town while she could.  Ugh

Crazy girl!

Thanks for visiting Grammy! We had a great Easter!

I love our family so much!

Love this picture of the girls too!

Thanks for coming guys!!! It was awesome! See you soon xoxoxo

Getting Ready for Easter

Grammy came to visit for Easter and so did Auntie Mar Mar and Dylan! The girls have been waiting so long to paint with Auntie Mar Mar so she brought the easels and paint and they went to work. Brooklyn finished 4 paintings while Brynn and Mare were still on their first! Then... when we were cleaning up, we found little blue footprints all over - even though the entire area was covered with a tarp. How does she manage?!

A little budding artist!

I hope I get this painting when she finishes... this was after not even 5 minutes of painting!

While they were being artists, we put Grammy in charge of making the bunny cake!

The decorating was left for the kids... one for the cake, 3 for me!

Time to decorate eggs! Joey loved it!

We tried a new technique and rolled the egg around in food coloring - they were really pretty!

Beautiful girls, beautiful eggs!

The Easter gang!

Hope the bunny likes!

Toy Story Ice Extravaganza!

Brynn had her 1st Ice Skating show this past Saturday (5/13) and she LOVED every second of it!  She was in the lego group and the girls got to wear sparkly outfits and have fun!

She even did a solo and rocked it!! We were SO proud of her!!! Go Brynn! Her song was "Strange Things" - it was so good.

She did her solo first, right after the intermission and then shortly after that her group came out to perform to their song, "Everything is Awesome"!

Everyone did an amazing job. The special guest skater was Michael Weiss (bottom left)

She had so much fun and the very first thing she said the next morning was that she wished her show could start back over again.

Brooklyn was so excited for Brynn - these girls are the best!

Runaway Bride...

Only Brooky.... walking Brynn to school in a wedding dress, pulling a suitcase! Steve didn't know what to say - except to chuckle! LOL

The funny thing is that nobody else said a word. They all know her by know so this is nothing out of the ordinary. She OWNS it every day!