Thursday, December 14, 2017

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!!!

We celebrated Brooky's 6th Birthday with a Princess and Knight party!! and a BIG bounce house!

As you can tell she was super excited!

They always love the balloons!

There it is!

and once the friends arrived, the fun began!

Auntie Janice and Auntie were busy painting nails and applying tattoos

The piñata was a blast too...

Some kids really got into it!

Then she put her "glasses" on for some of it!

Princess cake for the princess

Some of the gang

Time for presents!

This is her bff Marlee - and they've been best buds since riding the bus together at 3 years old

Love this girl!  Brooky at 6... she is really into art these days and has her own art room in the laundry room. She loves handing out tiny pieces of paper with her drawings on them to all of us and her friends. She still loves baby dolls and messing with Joey. She is like our little elf and will find any piece of candy that you have hidden from her. She will eat it and then hide the wrappers under her bed, pillowcase, in her backpack - you name it! She cracks us up and is definitely her own person. It makes me laugh because when Brynn brings her papers home from school, they're all neatly placed in her folder. Brooky's are folded up as small as she can get them and thrown in her backpack along with any other random things you find in there.
She is doing great in school, starting to read and writing wonderfully! She still loves Marlee and she has met so many other sweet friends. We can't wait to see what the future holds for this spunky spirit!

and Joey may becoming a "mini Brooky"... he thinks if he covers his eyes these days, we can't see him! He found some candy from the piñata!

Christmas is Almost Here!

Joey is really into the trash these days.  He loves to put things in the trash bags and take them outside... or sometimes he just puts his toys in the recycling. He's been watching too much Toy Story - when they put Andy's toys in the garbage bags!

and he was so excited to get the train out the day after Thanksgiving when we were decorating

We're getting excited for Christmas over here!

Happy Thanksgiving!Br

Brynn woke up not feeling well on Thanksgiving... she rested a little and then she felt better later in the day and could torture the cat!

The girls were big helpers getting everything ready

Our turkeys

Happy Thanksgiving! So much to be thankful for!

More Fun With Chickie!

Chickie came over for dinner on her last night and we had lots of fun catching up!

and being goofy!

Happy 3rd Birthday Joey!

Joey's GOLDEN Birthday... 3 on the 3rd!

Make a wish!

He got a CAR BED!!!!! and he was one excited little boy!

Birthday Party Day ... a Mickey and the Roadster party was in order!

We played some "Pin the Nose on Mickey"...

and even the big kids played! 

We were lucky that "Chickie" came out her to work for the week and her boyfriend Torin came along too!

Make another wish!!

He loves his Mickey!

Happy Birthday big boy! We love you!

Joey at 3... he LOVES "Ickey" - his word for Mickey. Still loves cars, trucks and busses - and airplanes. He can spot them so far away while we're driving. He calls mail trucks "milk trucks". He is the sweetest little boy and everyone loves him because you just can't help it. He either pushes a stroller full of busses or drags his car suitcase full of his loot to school to drop the girls off. We have to wait for all the busses to leave before we can head back to the car. Mr Steve (crossing guard) gets a kick out of it. He is also into trash... and grabs his own bags, fills them with the recycling and takes them outside. Once in a while we have found his toys in there... I think he gets that from watching Toy Story. He is starting to talk a lot more but wanted nothing to do with the campus speech at Stetson Hills - we kept trying but for some reason as soon as you mention his teacher, Ms Bird - he starts freaking out. We're going to take a break with that for now.
Another one of his passions is going into the bathroom and unrolling ALL of the toilet paper. Not good.

We love him so so so much and can't believe he just turned 3!!!